Got it well used by a former CA shooter, had to replace the base pin, and it's now tight as a drum. Fat front sight, so my 65 year old eyes can see it, great, solid feel and the best trigger ever.and I love the grips.

The one I bought this past spring is the best by far.a Cimmaron Evil Roy, 5.5". I have had a lot of SAA types over the last 45 years.

Sorry for being a semi-delusional cranky bitch. I'm no Colt 'fanboi' but I sure do like 'em.įukshot wrote:As I have said elsewhere in the past few minutes, I have a cold and my brain isn't working. At least when it comes to ARs and such, but old, clunky Single Actions? Why? Are people paying this much because of some weird, baseless fear that the whole monetary system is going Tango Uniform? If that's the case, what are they going to do with all those guns once that happens, buy groceries? Fill up their tanks? Pay their NRA dues? What?Īnyhoo, glad to hear someone else is taking up an interest in Colt SAAs. At least I can justify it as a means to improve my skills through shooting competitively. I've been wanting to get another one, but for that kind of scratch, I'll get a better O/U as an excuse to spend more time trap shooting. I'm seeing $2800 (selling prices, not asking) for 95% condition second gens pretty commonly, and third gens not far behind. For some reason, already overpriced Colt SAA are going even higher. Obama is owed a debt of gratitude by gun sellers everywhere - fear of him has made them rich - again. I have a gun coming through there probably next week, bought online and transferred vie their FFL, but there's not much of anything else that interests me left in that shop, not even very much ammo. 22 caliber, and maybe 8 revolvers, some unfired collectables and some antiques. I also noted that the shop is really cleaned out of most remotely "tactical" guns- there are maybe 6 auto pistols over. I went to look more closely at it this afternoon, to find all 3 SAA's gone.all bought by the same guy yesterday. It had been used heavily, and had holster wear over at least 1/2 of the barrel.but it was priced at about $850, and did come with the box, etc. 357 I was looking at was part of a consignment from a rather odd collector who was selling out. You can get at least tell when it was made.
#Colt saa forum serial number
Get the serial number and go to Colt's site. These guns have a great deal of hand polishing, and this is where some of the third gens really suck. If the third gen is one of the iffy ones, the differences will be obvious. If you're not intimately familiar with these, the only way for you to really see the differences is to hold a second gen next to a third gen and get out an LED flashlight and look them both over. $900 for really clean example is probably about right, maybe even a little low. I will add that amongst Colt SAA enthusiasts, third gens (that came in the brown box) have a spotty reputation, mostly due to comparatively poor fit and finish, and also a pressed in, quarter-length cylinder bushing, and as such command lesser prices. The Colt is superior, and it was well worth the extra scratch I paid. I also have some knockoffs (Ruger single six, Great Western, and an FIE). I have very lightly used Colt SAA, early second gen (1958).